针对上海税务部门调查郑爽涉嫌偷逃税问题,国家税务总局30日表态,要求依法依规进行严肃查处。国家税务总局表示,上海市税务机关4月初依法受理了群众关于郑爽涉嫌偷逃税问题的举报,税务总局高度重视,其间已要求上海等相关税务机关对通过“阴阳合同”等方式涉嫌偷逃税行为依法依规进行严肃查处。 前一日,郑爽在其工作室微博发布回应称,愿意接受并配合一切调查,结果会公布于众。 国家广电总局当晚发声,表示坚决支持依法查处"阴阳合同"、"天价片酬" 等问题。中国视协也于29日表态称,无德莫谈艺,对于没有艺德的艺人,社会决不会为其提供发声露脸的机会。 Earlier this week, Zheng's husband Zhang Heng revealed that the actress had obtained a hefty payment and evaded personal income tax and business taxes during her work on the originally 60-episode TV drama "A Chinese Ghost Story," an adaptation of the short story Nie Xiaoqian in Pu Songling's "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio," a classic collection of supernatural stories set in ancient China. According to the Shanghai Tax Bureau, a group of investigators started to probe into the tax fraud cases. China's tax and broadcasting authorities said that they have started investigating actress Zheng Shuang and relevant parties, who were involved in tax evasion and hefty salary cases. The Beijing Bureau of the National Radio and Television Administration has also launched an investigation on Zheng and related production companies. 就在此次举报再度引发对演艺人员天价片酬、阴阳合同等问题的激烈讨论时,相关部门纷纷宣布将对演艺行业违法违规现象展开严查。与此同时,多位艺人于近期接连注销名下关联公司或工作室的消息也迅速冲上热搜。 对此,《检察日报》30日发文指出,就在相关部门表示严查郑爽问题之际,近期多个明星工作室已被注销。这些工作室为什么注销?是否涉嫌存在类似郑爽的情况?希望注销不是终点,深度的监管和调查工作能够随即跟上。 山雨欲来风满楼,不少网友表示,新一轮税务整顿风波或将再度引发娱乐圈大震荡。 实际上,此次被曝光的“天价片酬”、“阴阳合同”等娱乐圈乱象,郑爽并非个例,在流量为王的时代,凭借话题和讨论,不少演技颇受争议的流量明星身价一路水涨船高。 为整顿娱乐圈不良风气,遏制偷漏税等违法行为,国家广播电视总局在2018年10月31日印发《关于进一步加强广播电视和网络视听文艺节目管理的通知》,要求综艺节目全部嘉宾总片酬不得超过节目总成本的40%,主要嘉宾片酬不得超过嘉宾总片酬的70%。电视剧网络剧(含网络电影)全部演员片酬不超过制作总成本的40%,其中主要演员不超过总片酬的70%。如果超过,需要进行备案并说明情况。 2020年11月5日,国家广播电视总局印发《国家广播电视总局关于推动新时代广播电视播出机构做强做优的意见》,其中提到:抵制低俗庸俗媚俗的工作机制,坚决防止追星炒星、过度娱乐化、高价片酬、唯收听收视率等不良倾向。 2021年4月22日,中央纪委国家监委网站发布《中共国家广播电视总局党组关于十九届中央第五轮巡视整改进展情况的通报》,对严格广播电视和网络视听文艺节目管理作进一步规范。 China has taken a series of actions to curb tax evasion, fake contract and control of "unreasonable" rates of pay in the TV and film industry since Chinese actress Fan Bingbing and her companies were ordered to pay about 884 million yuan ($178 million) in back taxes and fines. According to the new standards that cap payments granted to actors, salaries should not be permitted to exceed 40 percent of total production costs. Payments to stars should amount to no more than 70 percent of total wage costs. 推荐阅读:孕·殇:一部短片被骂上热搜的背后…… 山东矿难救援、特朗普弹劾案审理时间敲定、“代孕弃养”风波...| 词词道来